A Study On Cultural Meaning Of Tam Nodan Bihata Tradition At Helong Community In Kupang Barat Districts, Bolok Village

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A Study On Cultural Meaning Of Tam Nodan Bihata Tradition At Helong Community In Kupang Barat Districts, Bolok Village


This thesis is entitled: “A Study On Cultural Meaning Of Tam Nodan Bihata Tradition At Helong Community In Kupang Barat Districts, Bolok Village”. The problems of this study are: (1) What are forms involved in Tam Nodan Bihata in Helong community? (2) What are the meanings of the forms Tam Nodan Bihata Tradition in Helong community? This study aims to: (1) identify the forms of Tam Nodan Bihata tradition in Helong Community, (2) To describe the meanings of forms of Tam Nodan Bihata tradition in Helong community. The method used was the descriptive qualitative method. The data resources are four informants who know about the ritual. The data were collected by using some techniques, such as interviews, note-taking, and recording. The data were analyzed by using some techniques like transcribing, identifying, and describing. The result shows that (1) Tam Nodan Bihata tradition has forms of sentences and forms of symbols. (2)There are seven types of meanings found in forms of tam nodan bihata tradition, namely: a) Cultural meaning, b) Connotative meaning, c) Affective meaning, d) Reflective meaning, e) Collocative meaning, f) Conceptual meaning, g) Social meaning. In the world development today. A seemingly more important Indonesian language is regarded by native speakers of a local language. Therefore, the use of marriage speech proposals may be extinct since left behind by the speakers. Moreover, in this modern time, many speakers of a particular area, especially young people who are affected by the development of age tried to leave the local language because it was considered the Indonesian language and the English language is more
prestigious. Is one of the traditions in Bolok village. This tradition needs to be maintained in the long term, what needs to be maintained from this tradition is that this tradition is applied to women who are still virgins, so to respect these women one must use the Tam Nodan Bihata tradition. The benefit of maintaining this culture in the long term is that one of them is preserving this culture from generation to generation to the next generation. The adverse effects that occur when this procession occurs. This bad impact occurs because of the influence of the very expensive dowry when the dowry is expensive and the woman's condition is not in accordance with the views of the men. Then there will be household violence, because of the influence of the high dowry price. But as a woman, I still support this tradition because it is a tribute to a woman. Regardless of the bad impact that occurred. It comes back from each of the parties involved.The tradition of tam nodan bihata must be preserved by the Helong people as one of the original cultures Tam nodan bihata is a tradition (traditional rules) to value women who are still virgins. There must be outreach to the community by the government to make the tam nodan bihata tradition a mandatory tradition for the younger generation. By socializing this tradition, it can be claimed as a meaningful tradition by the younger generation.
Key Words : Forms, Meanings, Tam Nodan Bihata, Tradition

Detail Information

Item Type
Kurniaty Erliana Leokuna - Personal Name
Student ID
Dosen Pembimbing
Marcelinus Akoli - 196507221993031002 - Dosen Pembimbing 1
GRACIA M. N. OTTA - 198411252010122007 - Dosen Pembimbing 2
Marcelinus Akoli, S.Pd., M.Ling - 19820513204021001 - Ketua Penguji
Gracia M. N. Otta - 198411252010122007 - Penguji 1
Sebastianus Fernandez - 196011021986011001 - Penguji 2
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Penerbit UPT Perpustakaan Undana : Kupang.,
No Panggil
882.03 Leo A
Individu Penulis

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