Studi Pustaka Status Kesehatan Hewan Kurban Di Kota Kupang Tahun 2020 Berdasarkan Pemeriksaan Antemortem Dan Postmortem
XMLSlaughter of sacrificial animals is generally done in mosques on the day of sacrifice or Eid al-Adha. Animals that are commonly used as sacrifices such as camels, cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep. Before slaughtering sacrificial animals, it is very important to conduct antemortem and postmortem examinations. This library study was conducted from November to December 2020 which includes the collection of data on the 2020 sacrificial assistance report from the Kupang City Agriculture Office and offline and online reference/library searches. Sacrificial animal data obtained from the Kupang City Agriculture Office and reference/library sources obtained are analyzed descriptively and discussed based on the results of research from various sources. The results of the library study showed that the total sacrificial animals in 2020 as many as 2,645 consisting of 1,537 cows, 1,107 goats, and 1 sheeps. An antemortem and postmortem examination showed normal results. The sacrificial animal was examined by 86 veterinarians and 160 paramedics.
Detail Information
Item Type | |
Penulis |
Novie Hellen Manongga - Personal Name
Student ID |
Dosen Pembimbing |
HERLINA UMBU DETA - 198106112008012008 - Dosen Pembimbing 1
AJI WINARSO - 198501012010121009 - Dosen Pembimbing 2 |
Penguji | |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edisi |
Departement |
Kedokteran Hewan
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | UPT Perpustakaan Undana : Kupang., 2021 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
542.61 MAN S
Copyright |
Individu Penulis
Doi |