A Morphological Analysis On Verbal Derivational Affixes Of Tetun Language Spoken By Weliman Speech Community
Tetun is a mother tongue used by the people of Malaka regency, including community in Laleten village, of Weliman Sudistrict. The community uses Tetun as a tool to communicate or interact in social and cultur life. This study concerns with the analysis of verbal derivational affixes in Tetun language spoken by Weliman speaker community. The purposes of this research are to know the derivational verbal affixes of Tetun language and to know the meanings of the derivational verbal afixes used by the Weliman speaker community. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The research data source in this study is the informants from Laleten village, Weliman Subdistrict. The data collection techniques were elicitation, audio recording, and documentation. The result showed that there are three affixes which derive verbs from different word classes they are : ha-, which derives causative verbs from adjectives and nouns, nak-, which derives intransitive verb from transitive verbs bases, Circumfix hak-k which derives reciprocal action from transitive base. The meanings that arise from affixation process include to : do something in order it becomes what is mentioned in the adjective base, to work with the tools mentioned in the form. The attachment of the prefix hak to transitive verbs states that an action is in its basic form. The attachment of Circumfix hak-k states an action or deed by two or more people towards each other.
Keywords: Morphology, Verbal derivational affixes, language, Tetun
Detail Information
Item Type |
Penulis |
Student ID |
Dosen Pembimbing |
YOSEP B. KROON - 196508151993031001 - Dosen Pembimbing 1
ELISNA HUAN - 198307152010122001 - Dosen Pembimbing 2 |
Penguji |
Drs. Yosep B. Kroon, MA., Ph.D - 196508151993031001 - Ketua Penguji
Elisna Huan, S. Pd., M.Hum - 198307152010122001 - Penguji 1 Prof. Dr. Fransiskus Bustan, M.Lib - 195604241988031001 - - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edisi |
Departement |
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | UPT Perpustakaan Undana : Kupang., 2025 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
882.03 Tef A
Copyright |
Individu Penulis
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