A Study on Compound Words in Manggarai Language
This study aims to describe the types, the internal structure and the meaning of compound words in Manggarai Language. The object of this study is Manggarai Language. The writer applied a qualitative method in order to analyze the types, the internal structure and the meaning of compound words. This study is based on Delahunty and Garvey’s theory to know the types and the meaning of compound words and Lieber’s theory to know the internal structure. The writer found 30 compound words which consists of compound nouns, compound verbs and compound adjectives. There are 15 compound nouns which are formed through noun + noun including ata rona, wa’i lime, mata leso, waé ruang, campulu sua, tekur jawa; noun + verb including wina toko, kaka lélap; adjective + noun including wa ranga; phrase compound including nai ca anggit, tuka ca léléng; noun+ adjective including inéwai, anak molas, haé reba, ata pecing; There are 8 compound verbs that are formed through noun + verb including leso dading, mose céncés; verb + noun including céar wina, cau lime na’ang weki, ka’eng kilo; verb + adjective including hang wié; verb + verb including lonto léok; and there are 7 compound adjectives that are formed through noun + adjective including anak koe, mina bengé, wéki di’a; noun + noun including mosé nai; adjective + noun including mésé nai, wé ong nai, tu’a wintuk. For the meaning of compound words about 20 of them have a endocentric compound and 6 of them are exocentric compound and 4 of them are copulative compound.
Keywords: Morphology, Compound words, Manggarai Language
Detail Information
Item Type |
Penulis |
Stefania Andim - Personal Name
Student ID |
Dosen Pembimbing | |
Penguji |
Elisna Huan, S. Pd., M.Hum - 198307152010122001 - Ketua Penguji
Zantty O. Padahana, S.Pd., M.Pd - - - Penguji 1 Drs. Yosep B. Kroon, MA. Ph.D - 196508151993031001 - - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
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Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | UPT Perpustakaan Undana : Kupang., 2025 |
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No Panggil |
882.03 And A
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