Kinerja Petugas Pelaksana Program Tuberculosis Paru Dalam Kasus Baru Basil Tahan Asam Di Kabupaten Malaka
XMLTuberculosis in Malacca Regency is ranked 17th out of 22 regencies/cities in East Nusa Tenggara Province, which is 62.5%. In the last 3 years, there has not been a downward trend in a satisfactory program success. This
study aims to find factors related to the performance of the pulmonary tuberculosis program manager at the Community Health Center in finding new cases of BTA ( + ) in Malacca district. This type of research is an observational
study with a cross sectional design. This study was conducted in 20 health centers spread across Malacca Regency,
with a sample size of 40, the sampling technique used was total sampling, and analyzed using the chi square test and
multiple logistic regression. Bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship with the performance
of the pulmonary tuberculosis program managers, namely training (p = 0.017), attitude (p = 0.032), motivation (p =
0.015), workload (p = 0.038) and there is no relationship between perceptions of leadership, rewards and means (p =
Keywords: determinant factors, performance, officers, program, pulmonary tuberculosis.
Detail Information
Item Type | |
Penulis | |
Student ID |
Dosen Pembimbing | |
Penguji | |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edisi |
Departement |
Ilmu Hukum
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | : Kupang., 2021 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
742.01 NAH K
Copyright |
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