Implementasi Model Extreme Programming Dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Fasilitas Kesehatan
XMLNgada has an area of 1.776,72 km2 with a hilly topography most of the region consists of 12 districts, has a population of 165.254 inhabitants, where an estimated one health facility serving ± 1000 people, this figure imposes health facilities in providing services to the public. The presence of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for health facilities is very important because it makes it easier for the public to determine or know the location of the closest health facility to their location. The GIS that was built provides information on locations, services, service times, routes and distances from 7 health facilities (puskesmas, polindes, poskesdes, pustu, apotek, dokter praktek dan laboratorium klinik) for each sub-district. The system is built with software development model Extreme Programming from Agile Methodology.testing is Blackbox carried out to test the functionality of each tool on the system, the result is that each tool can function properly. The TAM test (Technology Acceptance Model)which was analyzed descriptively from 141 respondents, the results showed that users strongly agreed with the ease of the system (88,65%), system benefits (90,71%), system usage (90,67%), and actual house of the system real (89,11%). Overall, the GIS of the Ngada Regency health facilities that have been built has met the wishes and satisfaction of users.
Detail Information
Item Type | |
Penulis |
Yolanda Meiliani Mutiara - Personal Name
Student ID |
Dosen Pembimbing |
MEITON BORU - 198405042010121003 - Dosen Pembimbing 1
ADRIANA FANGGIDAE - 197811102003122002 - Dosen Pembimbing 2 |
Penguji |
Meiton Boru - 198405042010121003 - Ketua Penguji
Adriana Fanggidae - 197811102003122002 - Penguji 1 Dwi Prasetyo - 196612131990021001 - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edisi |
Departement |
Ilmu Komputer
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | UPT Perpustakaan Undana : Kupang., 2022 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
552.01 Mut I
Copyright |
Individu Penulis
Doi |