An Analysis Of The Contextual Meanings Of The Idiomatic Expressions Found In Spider-Man: Homecoming Moviescript Directed By Jon Watts
Idiomatic expressions are common phrases with figurative meanings that are often used by people when communicating with each other.The idiomatic expressions always appear in several movies. Spider-Man: Homecoming is one of the most popular movies that can be used as an object to explore a lot of idiomatic expressions in it.The aims of this research are to identify: (1) the idiomatic expressions found in the dialogues spoken by the characters of Spider-Man: Homecoming moviescript; and (2) the contextual meanings of the idiomatic expressions found in the dialogues spoken by the characters of Spider-Man: Homecoming moviescript.This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The writer collected the source of the data through documentation from the dialogues of the transcript in Spider-Man: Homecoming. In order to analyze the data, the writer applied two theories by the experts: McCarthy and O’Dell (2010) idiomatic expression theory used to answer the first research question. Geoffrey Leech’s (1981) theory used to answer the second research question.This research revealed there were 110 types of idiomatic expressions stated by the characters of Spider-Man: Homecoming. In answering the first research question, the writer discovered that the most dominant of idiomatic expressions in this movie is euphemisms with the biggest percentage 40%, and the least dominantis trinomialswith the smallest percentage is only 4%. The result to the second research question showed thatthe most dominant contextual meanings is connotative meaning with the biggest percentage 26%, and the least dominant is reflective meaning with the smallest percentage is only 1%.
Keywords: Idiomatic expressions, Contextual meanings, Moviescript
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LAURENSIUS KIAN BERA - 196001261987021001 - Dosen Pembimbing 1
MARCELIANUS AKOLI - 198205132014042 1 001 - Dosen Pembimbing 2 |
Penguji |
Laurensius Kian Bera - 196001261987021001 - Ketua Penguji
Marcelinus Akoli - - Penguji 1 Feliks Tans - 196307111988031003 - Penguji 2 |
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Penerbit | UPT Perpustakaan Undana : Kupang., 2022 |
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882.03 Hus A
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