Hambatan dan Penanggulangan Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) Terhadap Pelangaran Lalu Lintas di Wilayah Hukum Polres Kupang Kota
XMLPenggunaan peralatan elektronik untuk menindak pelanggaran lalu lintas di jalan raya secara normatif telah diatur dalam Pasal 272 Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2008 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan. Merujuk pada aturan tersebut, maka Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dalam Kebijakan PRESISI mencanangkan penindakan pelanggaran di jalan raya yang sebelumnya dilakukan secara konvensional, digantikan dengan menggunakan sistem Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE). Penindakan pelanggaran lalu lintas dengan sistem ETLE tidak serta merta dapat dilaksanakan secara merata di lingkungan lalu lintas di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, termasuk Wilayah Hukum Polres Kupang Kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan ETLE, (2) untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat pelaksanaan ETLE, (3) untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh Satlantas Polres Kupang Kota terhadap pelanggaran lalu lintas yang terjadi di Wilayah Hukum Polres Kupang Kota. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian hukum empiris yang berlokasi di Wilayah Hukum Polres Kupang Kota. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi, kemudian data tersebut dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) penindakan pelanggaran lalu lintas dengan sistem ETLE belum dapat dilakukan secara efektif (2) Berbagai kendala seperti belum memadainya kualitas maupun jumlah sarana prasaran pendukung ETLE yang tersebar di berbagai titik jalan raya di seluruh Kota Kupang. Selain itu, belum meratanya sosialisasi oleh penegak hukum serta kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat menjadi hambatan-hambatan dalam pelaksanaan ETLE. (3) Upaya-upaya penanggulangan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan dalam pelaksanaan ETLE di Wilayah Hukum Polres Kupang Kota meliputi upaya pre-emtif, yaitu dengan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat oleh Satlantas Polres Kupang Kota, upaya preventif meliputi patroli terjadwal untuk melakukan pengawasan dan upaya represif sebagai penindakan ketika terjadi pelanggaran sekaligus menjadi upaya terakhir yang dilakukan jika upaya pre-emtif dan upaya preventif tidak berhasil. Upaya represif bertujuan untuk memberikan efek jera agar pelaku tidak kembali melakukan pelanggaran di kemudian hari.
Kata Kunci: Pelaksanan ETLE, Hambatan, Upaya Penanggulangan.
Yohana Yosiana Djara Dima. Barriers and Countermeasures of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) Against Traffic Violations in the Kupang City Police District, Supervised by Aksi Sinurat, as Advisor I and Thelma S. M. Kadja, as Advisor II.
The use of electronic equipment to act on traffic violations on the highway is normatively regulated in Article 272 of Law Number 22 of 2008 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. Referring to this regulation, the Head of the Indonesian National Police in the PRECISION Policy has declared that road violations that were previously carried out conventionally will be replaced by using the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) system. The prosecution of traffic violations with the ETLE system cannot necessarily be carried out evenly in the traffic environment throughout Indonesia, including the Kupang City Police Legal Area. This study aims: (1) to determine the implementation of ETLE, (2) to determine the inhibiting factors for the implementation of ETLE, (3) to determine the efforts made by the Kupang City Police Traffic Unit against traffic violations that occurred in the Kupang City Police Legal Area. This research is included in empirical legal research located in the Kupang City Police Legal Area. The data in this study were obtained through interviews and documentation studies, then the data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively.This study aims to determine the implementation of ETLE, the inhibiting factors for the implementation of ETLE and the efforts made by the Kupang City Police Traffic Unit against traffic violations that occurred in the Kupang City Police Legal Area. This research is included in empirical legal research located in the Kupang City Police Legal Area. The data in this study were obtained through interviews and documentation studies, then the data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively.
The results of this study indicate that: (1) the enforcement of traffic violations with the ETLE system cannot be carried out effectively (2) Various obstacles such as the inadequate quality and number of ETLE supporting infrastructure facilities scattered at various highway points throughout Kupang City. In addition, the unequal socialization by law enforcement and the lack of public understanding are obstacles in the implementation of ETLE. (3) Countermeasures that can be done to overcome obstacles in the implementation of ETLE in the Kupang City Police Legal Area include pre-emptive efforts, namely by socializing to the community by the Kupang City Police Traffic Unit, preventive efforts include scheduled patrols to carry out surveillance and repressive efforts as an action when there is a violation as well as being the last resort if pre-emptive and preventive efforts are not successful. Repressive efforts aim to provide a deterrent effect so that perpetrators do not repeat violations in the future.
Keywords: ETLE Implementation, Barriers, Countermeasures.
Detail Information
Item Type | |
Penulis |
Yohana Yosiana Djara Dima - Personal Name
Student ID |
Dosen Pembimbing |
THELMA S M KADJA - 195810171988032001 - Dosen Pembimbing 2
Penguji |
Rudepel Petrus Leo - 196406121990031003 - Ketua Penguji
Aksi Sinurat - 196110161988031005 - Penguji 1 Thelma S M Kadja - 195810171988032001 - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edisi |
Departement |
Ilmu Hukum
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | UPT Perpustakaan Undana : Kupang., 2022 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
742.01 Dima H
Copyright |
Individu Penulis
Doi |